Value of Volunteers
Where would we be without volunteers? Wikipedia defines volunteering as being “generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain to benefit another person, group or organization”. There are two parts of volunteering ~ one is being a volunteer and the other is benefiting from a volunteer who may assist someone or an organization. Both have their own set of benefits. These benefits can impact an individual, a community or an organization.
As a volunteer an individual can gain a sense of community. Allowing an opportunity to connect with others with similar interests creating relationships and forming support systems. By getting out of one’s comfort zone and joining a cause, one can build self-esteem and gain personal achievement. This can impact both physical and mental health. Volunteering allows a person to be more active and an opportunity to get their mind off of everyday stresses. According to happiness.com when a person destresses their blood pressure can lower which decreases their chance of stroke and heart disease. Volunteering is good for you!
Volunteering can also create a “helpers high” giving the volunteers a perspective on their own personal woes and acknowledging something bigger than one’s self. This sense of fulfillment and happiness is said to increase in volunteers by anywhere between 7-12% according to Western Connecticut State University. Another positive outcome of volunteering is the fact that it can empower others to volunteer as well.
When it comes to picking a career, volunteering can help in many ways. It can provide you with a wider set of skills including problem solving, networking, teamwork, planning, organizing, or even a second language. Especially in today’s completive work environment, having volunteer work on your resume shows initiative and is typically well received by potential employers.
How does it benefit an organization to have volunteers? Volunteers can improve quality of service by allowing staff to focus on more important tasks. Having extra bodies can increase a workplaces productivity or even provide a bridge between community and organizations. Volunteers can bring diversity and necessary skills and knowledge which can enhance an organization mission and goals.
Let’s get real – many people do not have extra funds to donate to a non-profit cause. Donating time as a volunteer is a great way to contribute to the success of a non-profit. It is possible to make a positive impacts in just giving a couple hours of our time and attention ~ this is especially true for our older generation. An hour to discuss current issues, to lead an art class, to listen to a senior’s tell her story, to give tours, yard work ~ the list is endless. Even something as helping at a fundraising event filling glasses with water is appreciated.
There is no age limit on volunteering, there are no overall physical requirements. Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses and there is a place for them. If you need ideas on where to volunteer check out your local nonprofits; libraries, museums, foodbanks, senior centers, and animal shelters are a great place to start. Happy Volunteering!