Our Staff

BEVERLY MAINE, Chief Executive Officer/President, ERC; ERC Board Member

defaultBeverly has been with ERC since 2003. Originally hired as ERC’s CFO, the position grew into her current title CEO/President. Duties include oversight management of Canterbury Manor and St. Andrew’s Place, CFO duties, and acting as Board liaison. Beverly’s BA in Business, MBA, CPA and CPG bring an extra level of expertise. Her favorite part of her job is getting to know the seniors.

Email: erc-ceo@donobi.net

Open Position, Communication Specialist, Episcopal Retirement Communities

Communication Specialist position is open.  This position requires an outgoing individual that is creative.  Communications Specialist role is responsible for enhancing our internal and external communications, to improve how we connect with our employees, the media, residents, communities and board members.

Email: erccommunications@donobi.net


CHERYL RADEBAUGH, Administrator, Canterbury Manor

canterburymanor-27editCheryl started her career with Episcopal Retirement Communities at the Canterbury Care Center. She was responsible for the daily operations of our senior adult day center, building up a clientele and creating staff schedules and monthly calendars and menus. Currently, Cheryl is the Administrator of Canterbury Manor our Independent Senior Community.  Her educational background is in Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Email: ccc@donobi.net


LAURA DODD, Administrator, St. Andrew’s Place

img_0191In 2002, there came an opening for a day shift med. technician. St. Andrew’s Place had a really great name in the community, Laura said, and she wanted to work here. When our Office Manager position came available, Laura made the leap from med. technician. Ten years later, she jumped at another chance for personal growth, becoming Administrator. She most enjoys the fact that our assisted living community is like a big family and that all St. Andrew’s Place residents came here to live. That’s important to her — being a part of that quality of life.

Email: standrew@olypen.com